Day in the life of a Communications Assistant

Posted 1 year ago

Setting up systems and creating new plans was rewarding!

After two years of working in Marketing and Communications, I joined LSE as an MSc Marketing student in September 2021. I was keen to make the most of my time as a student, so I started to look for part-time jobs. After combing through the LSE Careers Hub for days, I spotted the perfect role for me, and that’s how I joined the ResLife team in January 2022 as a part-time Communications Assistant.


One of the best things about the role for me was the flexibility it offered. Working part-time while studying was a new challenge for me as I’d never worked part-time before, but it was a great learning experience. I was lucky enough to get an understanding team and manager. We worked out a plan that was considerate of the changes in our schedules each term and worked remotely on the assigned tasks. We’d meet up weekly to catch up on the tasks and discuss progress. This worked out well with my academic schedule and gave me the freedom to plan my work as I wished.

New opportunities

a group of people posing for a picture

The role also offered me a lot of opportunities to learn new things and meet new people. Even though I’d worked in communications before, there is always more to learn especially being a whole new industry and audience for me. I got to be a part of setting up new systems and creating plans for the new year, which was extremely rewarding! My manager was also very encouraging about trying new ideas and learning new skills, which helped me learn to use new tools and think out of the box. 

Being a part of the rebranding efforts got me to see the bigger picture. I also got to meet a lot of the other LSE students through the ResLife events and chat with the incoming batch to help them prepare for their move to London. Overall, it was a great place for me to hone my presentation skills and learn something new too.

A great team

a group of people standing in front of a laptop

Once I was a little freer in the summer term, I joined the team at the office a few days a week which was an amazing experience. I came into the office between 10 and 11am and, depending on the workload, I’d stay till around 4 in the evening. This was a great opportunity for me to get to know the team a little better and get a better insight into their plans. I could really see that they wanted to pull together the best experience they could for the next year based on the previous years. Their excitement was contagious, and I was fully engrossed in their plans. I started to find myself really looking forward to working from the office with them and I couldn’t have asked for a better team.

I worked in the role till a little after my final submission for my Master’s, which made it the perfect end to my time at LSE. 
