The best free outdoor sports in London

Posted 1 year ago

Get your game on and do it for cheap as chips

Don't pay unreasonable prices to play sports when you could easily do it for free (especially in this cost of living crisis). You just gotta know when and where (and have the right equipment of course) and you can play as much as you want.

Here is the list of the best sports and the recommended locations to play them:

Free and easy sports

For most of these sports, you will need to buy the necessary gear first before being able to play. If you're already an enthusiast with everything you need, great! You won't need to pay a penny to play any of these sports. There is the option of renting most of the kit needed for these sports but we'd recommend you buy them yourself if you plan on playing regularly.

  • Ping Pong (table tennis)
    Kit needed: 2 bats, 1 ball
    Minimum players needed: 2
    Info: Super easy, no need to book in advance. Just show up and a lot of time you will get challenged by friendly strangers. Game on.
  • Basketball
    Kit needed: 1 ball (and pump)
    Minimum players needed: 4
    Info: Better the more friends you can get to play but not necessary to have a full team. Various mini-games you can play using the hoops too! A lot of courts have 5-a-side football nets too if that takes your fancy.
  • Tennis
    Kit needed: 2 rackets, 1 ball
    Minimum players needed: 2
    Info: High in demand, a lot of courts require you to book slots in advance. Courts are big enough for both singles and doubles. High energy, bring your A game!
a group of people posing for the camera
  • Skating
    Kit needed: Skateboard (plus protection)
    Minimum players needed: 1
    Info: High entry cost if you want all the recommended kit but a great community built around the sport. Skate parks are normally full of skaters that will be more than willing to help you if it's your first time.
  • Outdoor workout
    Kit needed: Technically no kit needed!
    Minimum players needed: 1
    Info: Get fit for free! time it right by coming early in the morning and you can have the outdoor gym all to yourself. Combine using the apparatus here with some cardio and you can get a proper workout. 
  • Open-field sports
    Kit needed: Depends on the sports - footballfrisby, etc
    Minimum players needed: Depends on the sport
    Info: Find a good flat open bit of space in one of the nearby parks and you can go wild with whatever sport your imagination can come up with! Like with playing all these sports, make sure to respect those around you.

Make sure to look into what's convenient for you based on where you live. Need more from the outdoors? Check out the best parks in London for students!