Posted 1 year ago
Sat 30 Dec, 2023 12:12 PM
This is your sign! Trust me, you do not want to miss out on this.
As a theatre fan, I find any excuse to go and watch plays whether it is at the West End or plays run by aspiring professionals. There is nothing else like sitting in the seat waiting for the lights to dim before the scene is set onstage. There is absolutely nothing else like it! In this guide, I am going to recommend some of the best plays I have seen till date and ways you can watch them.
Harry Potter and The Cursed Child Part 1 & 2
I am sure all Harry Potter fans will have this on their bucket list but I am telling you to take it out of your bucket list and put it on your agenda. This is by far one of the best plays I have seen and I am certain you will feel the same. For those who have watched the movies or read the books, I will tell you that they bring everything you expect and more; you feel like you are living at Hogwarts. From floating portraits to levitation, it all comes to life. They create special effects that are created onscreen in real life. Whether a fan or not, everyone needs to go see this. Moreover, I recommend entering the free weekly lottery tickets on TodayTix in order to win both plays for the price of £40 and get AMAZING seats with the best views!
The Play That Goes Wrong
This is such an odd title but it really lives up to the image it portrays. I have never laughed so much in a play as I did in this and the team correctly nails every single moment; the audience could not stop laughing. It is a very light-hearted watch and I recommend you prepare yourself to laugh like never before!
The Lion King
Ah, the classic! How could I forget? I am sure everyone has heard the hype about this play from everywhere and it is all true. This play is so well-crafted and absolutely flawless. The acting, the set, the songs, the costumes…I could go on but I need to stop myself before I get carried away. If you do not see this play, you are truly missing out.
The Globe
For my Shakespeare fans, I suggest you visit the globe and make the most of the seating experience. I was very sceptical about the standing tickets but after I tried it out I realised they were excellent for their price (they are only £5-10). With this, you can watch the actors up close and walk around to get different perspectives.
Plays at LSE
Finally, there are plays that regularly happen at our very own campus so follow the LSEDramaSoc instagram page to keep up with the regular updates!
Sanjana Ramesh
Passfield Hall resident