Mike Ritchie
Posted 11 months ago
Thu 14 Mar, 2024 12:03 PM
Okay, let's get the best news front and centre - your content insurance is covered by your accommodation fees, meaning you don't have to pay any additional money to cover your belongings! But you might be wondering what it actually means to have content insurance... we're here to break it down.
How can I view my cover?
Your content insurance is provided by Cover4 insurance, which protects you against theft, fire and floods. To find out more on what exactly is covered (and not covered) by your insurance, all you have to do is register with Cover4 insurance. Using your accommodation/student details, you can sign in (or download the app for a more user-friendly experience) and view your cover.
We recommend you check it out at least once to see if there are any areas in which you would require/want additional cover. For example, you can opt for insurance for gadgets and possessions that aren't included in your base content insurance.
If you live in a hall operated by Sanctuary Students, University of London or Urbanest then the insurance cover may be different. Please contact your accommodation provider directly for details.