Your Essential Guide to Living in Halls

Posted 1 year ago

Student Secrets

Living in student halls is a big change from home whether you choose to live by yourself or with a group of flatmates. It's best to be as prepared as possible for the lifestyle change you're about to commit to.

Here's some things you should be aware of before you start living in student halls.

It can get noisy

a woman wearing sunglasses

Moving to university is an exciting time so it's bound to get noisy at times. Your neighbours and flatmates will all have different schedules, sleeping patterns and hobbies so you might find yourself getting frustrated when you're trying to study and your flatmates have friends over or spend their spare time learning an instrument.

It's important to be respectful of each other and understand when to keep the noise down. It might be a good idea to invest in a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, just in case.

Stay on top of housework

a cup of coffee on a table

The amount of housework you will need to stay on top of might come as a shock whether you're used to helping out with chores at home or not. The easiest way to reduce mess (and arguments) in your flat would be to clean up after yourself as you go or set up a cleaning schedule with your flatmates so all of the chores are divided equally each week.

With multiple students living together, you'll be surprised at how fast the dishes pile up and how often the bins need taking out. Cleaning might not be the most entertaining activity but you won't regret keeping on top of it - after all, you don't want to fall out over the washing up.

Organising your fridge-freezer

a plastic container of food

It's common for flatmates to have a shelf each in the fridge-freezer so you'll have to keep in mind how much space you'll be taking up during your grocery shop. If this ends up being a pain for everyone, why not do a group grocery shop instead?

There's no need for everyone to get the same ingredients all of the time. Sharing items and cooking together can save money, fridge space and prevent things from going out of date. Nobody wants a smelly fridge stinking out the flat.

Getting along with your flatmates

Kylie Jenner et al. sitting at a table with a cake

It's definitely worth considering that you might not get on with all of your flatmates. Everyone is different and you could be living with people who share the same interests and some that might not. It's important to be open-minded and compromise when living with others!

Combatting homesickness

a chair in a room

It is normal and common to feel homesick during the start of your student journey, it's a big step and there are lots of things you will have to get used to. A useful hack to combat your homesickness is to make your bedroom homely and cosy, for example by displaying photos of family and friends, adding some plushies and hanging fairy lights. 

Don't be afraid to share your feelings with your hallmates too. Everyone is in the same boat and you're sure to find someone who has the same struggles, so sharing your feelings can help you get things off your chest and bond with others. 

Budgeting for the essentials

a close up of a beach

One thing that is crucial to keep in mind is budgeting. When you get your student loan it's easy to spend it without a second thought, but you'll need money for all of your essentials. This includes your rent and bills, food shopping and any toiletries that regularly need re-stocking.

You should make note that you won't have a washing machine in your flat, so you'll have to visit the laundry room and pay for any washes and drying as and when you need it. Try working these into your monthly student budget to keep your finance worries at bay. 

You'll learn lots of things about student life as you experience it but it's a good idea to start preparing yourself for the possibilities. You've got this!