Winter study tips

Posted 1 month ago

Stay cosy and start studying

The cold and dark nights have set in, so it's time to stay cosy and start studying. 

It can be challenging to get quality work done when it gets dark so early. All you want to do is stay in your pyjamas, start a movie marathon and stock up on snacks. So to help keep you motivated, focused and positive during Winter, here are a few tips: 

1. Get comfortable

a person sitting at a table eating food

Being cosy whilst studying isn't always a bad thing. Finding a space where you're comfortable can help you concentrate whilst keeping you warm. Whether this is at your desk covered in a blanket or in bed propped up by a mound of pillows, feeling cosy can help you settle in for the night and ease your stress whilst working. 

Why not set the atmosphere by turning on the fairy lights and putting on some calming music to encourage you to focus. Even if you're more productive in a café, library or study room, that doesn't mean you can't get cosy elsewhere. Grab a hot drink, layer up and get started. 

2. Take breaks

a close up of a hand holding a needle

If you're constantly trying to get through your uni work, you're bound to burn out at some point. Taking breaks are essential and can help you refuel before your next study session. Take this opportunity to spend time with your family, give baking a go and spend time doing your favourite hobbies, especially during the Christmas holidays. 

Having quality time to yourself can help you destress after finishing some work, so whether you prefer to simply watch television, create art, dance or play sports, make sure you take time for yourself. You could even try out a new hobby like knitting - a perfect idea for the colder months! 

3. Settle into a routine

a hand holding a cell phone

After lectures are over and the Winter holidays begin, it can be so tempting to ditch your student routine. Whether you keep the same routine or develop a new one, it's important to have some kind of structure to your days so you can keep on track. 

This doesn't mean that you have to wake up at the same time everyday but it can be helpful to have a pre-work routine to get you in the zone. Create a study playlist, go for a walk, make your favourite hot drink or do a bit of journalling to encourage you to focus. If you're easily swayed from a routine, make sure you set a time limit on these to avoid procrastinating! 

4. Remember to reward yourself

a person looking at the camera

Once you have set yourself some goals and reached them, no matter how big or small, you definitely deserve to treat yourself. If you set regular small rewards after your study sessions, you're more likely to actually spend more time working even when it's the last thing you want to do. Reward yourself by spending time with friends and family, grabbing a cheeky snack or even scrolling through social media...just try to avoid going down the TikTok rabbit hole.

5. Have enough sleep

a close up of a clock on a table

Sleep is more important than you know! With the nights getting dark so early, your sleeping pattern is sure to change. As long as you get yourself in a routine and sleep for at least 8 hours each night, you're more likely to wake up feeling refreshed and ready for a productive day. 

Lack of sleep can harm your concentration levels and lower your alertness, whereas constantly sleeping until noon means that there is less time in the day to finish your work and have time to enjoy yourself. So definitely try to stick to your sleep routine - although a few lie ins are definitely deserved! 

6. Develop a self-care routine

a close up of items on a table

The cold and dark nights can not only make you feel extra tired but they can also impact your wellbeing. They can affect your mood, energy levels and even your appetite. To keep you motivated, relaxed and in a positive mindset it's important to look after yourself so start practicing a self-care routine. 

From face masks and hot baths to catching up on your favourite TV shows or video-gaming, your self-care routine is unique to you and can consist of anything you love to do. 

Stay warm and focused this Winter, you can do it!