Make your Halls sustainability pledge!

Posted 7 months ago

Win a £50 voucher for your sustainability pledge!

What’s your Sustainability Pledge? Win a £50 voucher for letting us know!

Are you ready to make a positive impact on the environment while earning recognition for your efforts? It's time to take your passion for sustainability to the next level by making a pledge in your LSE hall. 

We want to hear what you will be doing to live more sustainably this year. By pledging, you’re in with the chance of winning a £50 voucher!The Sustainability Pledge is running from 1 January to 15 February 2024!

How to make your pledge?

That's super easy! Click on the link below, select your pledge and complete the form. You can also sign up to find out more about the campaign.

Make your pledge here

sign me up!

Here are some of the fantastic pledges you can make and why they matter:

  • Stay Toasty Without the Waste: Reducing heating by putting on extra layers before cranking up the heat not only saves money but also conserves energy resources. It's a win-win for both your wallet and the environment.
  • Conserve Every Drop: Turn off taps when not in use and take shorter showers to save water. Freshwater is a finite resource, and your conscious efforts can make a real difference in ensuring it's available for generations to come.
  • Go Green on the Go: Travel sustainably by walking, cycling, and taking public transport whenever possible. This reduces your carbon emissions and supports a cleaner, healthier community.
  • Share the Knowledge: Teach or show someone something they can do to be more sustainable and encourage them to join in on the pledge competition. Sharing your knowledge and inspiring others is a powerful way to create a more sustainable community.