Passfield Hall FAQs

Posted 1 year ago

We're looking forward to welcoming you to halls very soon!

Before you arrive at your new home, we've put together all the FAQs we've been asked by students, from things you need to know before you move in, to what it's like living in London as a student.

Check them out below ⬇️

 Before you arrive 

Are pots and pans provided in the kitchen, or do students need to bring their own?

Will students find out their room number before moving in?

What is provided in the rooms in terms of bedding?

Can students arrive early before the official move-in date?

 Passfield Hall specific 

Can I join the halls' WhatsApp group?

What support is available while living in the halls?

Is Passfield Hall fully catered?

How do I contact the Passfield Hall team?

What facilities are available in the kitchens at Passfield Hall?

What is the recommended mode of travel from Passfield Hall to the LSE campus, especially in winter?

What are the storage options for students during the vacation period?

What is the guest policy at Passfield Hall?

How does laundry work at Passfield Hall?

What events can students expect at Passfield Hall?

Is there a full-length mirror in the room?

 Living in halls 

How can I find out more about Student Life at LSE?

Can I have a mini-fridge in my room, and what is the cost?

How many students share one kitchen?

Can students bring electrical appliances to their rooms?

Can students under 18 attend events with alcohol?

Can students customize their rooms by shifting furniture?

Is it possible to change rooms after moving in if not satisfied with the current arrangement?

How should students handle conflicts in shared rooms?

 Living in London 

Is Bloomsbury a safe area?

How can students register with a GP and access medical services?