Getting on well with your flatmates

Posted 10 months ago

Have a blast by staying on the same page

To keep the good vibes flowing, ResLife provides a Flatmate Agreement Form. This awesome planner helps you and your flatmates set the stage for an enjoyable stay.

The LSE Flatmate Agreement Form

The LSE Flatmate Agreement Form is like a superhero guide to happy hall living. It helps you and your flatmates chat about stuff you might not have thought of. Here are the most important parts:

  1. Your kitchen or shared snack point: Talk about cleaning duties, where you'll keep your stuff, and what's fair game in the kitchen. You can also discuss how to keep the place clean, who's taking out the trash, and when it's cool to invite friends over.
  2. Shared bathroom rules: Share your class schedules and decide how you'll share toiletries. Chat about keeping the bathroom clean and let each other know when guests are coming over.
  3. General house rules: Plan to be the best roomies ever by deciding on quiet times, what happens when friends stay the night, how to handle disagreements, and what's a no-no in your shared space.

Download the LSE Flatmate Agreement Form


Tips for getting along with your flatmates

Here are some student-friendly tips to make your hall life harmonious and enjoyable!

  1. Speak up: Don't be shy! Talking to your flatmates is the #1 way to prevent drama. Discuss expectations, routines, and issues as they come up. It's way easier to sort things out with a quick chat.
  2. Respect each other's space: We all need our own space. Ask before borrowing stuff, and keep the noise down when someone's studying or sleeping. It's a golden rule that keeps everyone happy.
  3. Share the chores: Split chores like cleaning, taking out the trash, and grocery shopping. Make a schedule so you all know who's doing what, and when. It's a total team effort.
  4. Guest game plan: Set some ground rules for guests. Decide how and when friends can visit, and make sure to give your flatmates a heads up. No surprises!
  5. Squash conflicts kindly: Disagreements happen, but they don't have to ruin your vibe. Use the conflict resolution method you've agreed on in your Flatmate Agreement Form. It's a peaceful way to sort things out.
  6. Embrace diversity: Your flatmates might come from all over the world, with different backgrounds and habits. Embrace the diversity, respect each other's differences, and learn from one another.

By using the LSE Flatmate Agreement Form and following these tips, you'll make the most of your uni life. Keep the conversation flowing, be cool about sharing space, and remember that respect and understanding are your secret weapons for an unforgettable student living experience.

Uni life, here you come! 🎓😊