Culture shock: our top 5 tips

Posted 1 year ago

Are you dealing with culture shock?

Adapting to a new culture can feel like it's easier said than done at times. You're not just adapting to your new room, new hall of residence, new city, new country, you're slowly changing as a person - expanding your horizons, building resilience. Here's our top five tips for navigating the culture shock waves. 

  1. Be open minded: embrace the differences with an open heart. You will meet many new nationalities, cultures or even experience new unfamiliar situations. Take everything as a chance for growth and understanding. If you're not too sure, simply ask. 
  2. Connect with others: join societies, international groups, attend cultural events in your hall and in London, have a conversation with a local. The more you can connect with others, the easier your transition will be and it will be more natural in the future.
  3. Patience, patience, patience: embracing a new culture can take time. Allow yourself to learn and adapt at your own pace. The UK can be very different to your own culture, so take the time to understand yourself and the differences. Remember you're not alone going through it, so reach out and ask for help or advice if you're not too sure.
  4. Celebrate small wins: did you navigate the tube without being lost? or you were able fully order a meal understanding everything? Did you walk to campus without looking at Google Maps? Celebrate this victories. Might seem small, but they show your progress towards your adjustment phase.
  5. Self-care is key: take breaks when you need them. Engage in activities that bring you joy and comfort whether it's a walk in the park, enjoying a cup of coffee at Starbucks or calling home to speak with your loved ones.